Selling your vehicle on your own is a tricky thing to do, especially if you are trying to go through the classifieds or some sort of online marketplace. One of the most difficult things that many of our customers have to face is the fact that their vehicle just isn`t in the most pristine condition and can`t compete with the market place. Well you`re in luck! We don`t really care about the way your car looks, smells, or even tastes. Okay, we don`t really taste the cars, but we can say that we really don`t care what your taste in cars is. We take all sorts of makes and models. So if you happen to think that old station wagon of yours is cooler than cool, but you need to get rid of it, we`ll do our best to give you the estimate that you deserve just the same we would for someone bringing in a Benz. We don`t judge.
Convincing ourselves that it would be okay to let you pay for towing services just wouldn`t help us sleep at night. Whether you are selling your vehicle because you just don`t need it anymore or because you really could use the cash right now, there isn`t any reason that you should have to pay a private towing company the high costs of moving your vehicle. We`re optimistic that you`re going to like the estimate we give you, and because of that we have no problem sending out a tow truck to come and get your vehicle off your property.
Our customer base is continually growing and as it does our staff has been undeniably amazing at taking the time to get to serve every customer with the undivided attention it takes to make sure that we are giving you the most money for your vehicle. Our team back here at the shop is just the sort of group of dedicated individuals that make coming to work a continual adventure in learning how to better serve our community as well as each and every individual customer that comes through our door or contacts us. We take the time to reach out to those that may not be able to come to us because we know that sometimes in life, especially during a relocation, certain things are better off left to the experts to handle. We`re your experts in helping you get rid of the vehicle that no longer serves you. We can clear your mind of it today.
If half of your vehicle has been buried underground for the past several years, leaving the remainder to rust and rot away, there might be some life still in it. Okay, we really haven`t seen vehicles quite that extreme, but we have had our handful of vehicles that never would have made it anywhere close to our shop if it weren`t for our tow crew. Truth is, we like taking on these cars too. While junk cars aren`t our specialty, we`re more than happy to take a look at what you have and see if we can offer you anything. There`s more than a chance that we`ll be able to give you an estimate that will open your eyes. Just because it is junk doesn`t mean that there isn`t some treasure to it still. Let us help you by giving you an offer before you just scrap it.
Stop in to see us today for an estimate or just give us a call at (760) 417-4143, we'll be happy to give you a quick phone estimate or fill out our contact form.